About Me
"About Me" is a minimal theme for personal websites with a focus on typography and white-space. It is perfect for coders, writers, freelancers and similar use cases. Like all themes it is free to use, donations are welcome.
The theme is fully responsive and very lightweight with no javascript and a minimal set of CSS. Like most themes from Typemill it gets 100 points from the Page Speed Insights.
- Configure individual content for the startpage.
- Header navigation (only first level).
- Pages with breadcrumb.
- Perfect for a simple blog- or notes-section.
- Three column footer.
Updates for this theme
Version 2.0.0
Small changes to make it compatible with Version 2 of Typemill.
Version 1.2.0
- Compatible with Typemill Version 1.5.2.
- Switched to new logic for meta-tags added via asset-function.
- Added typemillUtilities for videos.
- Switched to new download-icon.
- Fixed headline anchors css.
- Added a pagination for blogposts
- Fixed headline size for mobile
- Added overflow for tables.
- float headline anchors right for mobile.
- Fix figures left right for mobile (no floats).
- Added widget area.
- Basic style for forms.
- Added aspect ratio for images.
Version 1.1.1
Fixed language attribute in html. It was set to english, now it recognizes the language attribute that the admin can set in the typemill settings.
Version 1.1.0
- Compatible with typemill 1.4.0 and higher
- Deleted tag for base-url
- fixed wrong canonical tag
- optimized meta tags of head
- optimized design of headline anchors
- active navigation links are now marked (red)
- Image width is now 100% of content area
- Added logo image max-height and max-width
- Added css for download link
- Added css for notice
- Added css for youtube